Paul Chaplin, Medway Liberal Democrats Parliamentary Spokesperson, calls for tougher laws to tackle criminal driving
Tougher penalties for dangerous drivers aimed at reducing deaths on Gillingham & Rainham’s roads are being championed in parliament.
Paul has joined forces with long term safer roads campaigner Greg Mulholland MP for Leeds North West to introduce a bill to strengthen penalties for drivers who injure, or kill, people.
Last year 389 people were killed because of dangerous driving. Campaigners argue that sentences are too light and do not reflect the severity of offences.
On Tuesday Greg Mulholland proposed a range of measures including;
- increase the length of sentences,
- redefine criminal driving,
- amend bail conditions,
- enhance investigation standards by both the police and in courts,
- improve the treatment of victims and their families.
Paul Chaplin said:
“Victims of criminal driving and their families must always have confidence that our legal system will deliver justice, but time and again they feel let down. I support the bill and hope we can finally begin to deliver the proper justice that campaigners have long called for.”
Greg Mulholland MP said:
“As a long term campaigner for safer roads I proposed the Criminal Driving Bill to support families whose lives have been affected by a reckless driver and who feel let down by our legal system. We will continue the campaign for tougher laws until proper justice is delivered.”
Alice Bailey, Campaigns and Communications Officer at road safety charity Brake, also added:
“Brake is very pleased to see Paul Chaplin helping to lead the Criminal Driving Bill and fight for victims of criminal driving and their families. We have long believed that our legal system gives them a raw deal and that’s why it is vital Parliament brings forward some much needed changes.”